2024 marks a new beginning for me as a Coach and also in my business.

When I started coaching in 2011, I started out as both a Life and Business Coach. Over time, this shifted to doing more of Business Coaching than Life Coaching.

Yet, at core, my passion has always been Life Coaching.

Many years later, I had to choose one, and I arrived at this crossroads in 2021 when my Business Coach challenged me to narrow down the programs I offered to just 3.

Over the course of 3 years, he helped me test my programs and other ideas I wanted to implement. We also looked at the programs I loved and the ones that brought in the most money.

One program stood out and that is the Break Free, Live Your Life life coaching program.

This program has withstood the test of time with some updates over time to include new strategies as I upskilled. It has made the most money over time and has also been the easiest to promote.

But, there was a problem…

Having gotten used to doing both life and business coaching, how was I going to shift the personal and business brands?

I talked to three branding experts separately. They all bluntly told me that there was a disconnect between my business brand and the coaching program I wanted to have as a flagship.

One recommended that I wrap up my business Biashara 360 and start afresh while building on the testimonials and expertise I had accumulated over the years. This advice didn’t sit well with me so I decided to take 3 months to think about it.

The other two didn’t give particular recommendations about changing the business. However, they were both amendable to me going back to my old business name, New Dawn Coaching. I had also kept the domain newdawncoaching.com alive even though there was no blog or website for it.

Clearly it was time for a new beginning!

Unfortunately, I was unable to do anything until March 2024 because of events that unfolded.

For one, I was testing working when travelling as I tested the life of a digital nomad. So I was working away from home in November and December 2023. It definitely was not the best time to take big actions.

Then, my brother got critically ill in November 2023 and the whole family spent time with him at home and in hospital in November and December. Sadly, he got progressively worse and passed away on the 29th of December 2023.

We closed the year mourning and started 2024 with a funeral, and there was very little time to prepare for it.

Events unfolded fast. My children and I didn’t have time to mourn properly because we had to travel back home and I had to get back to work.

All this took a toll on me and I feel as if I spent most of Q1 of 2024 in a daze.

During this period, I met one of the three branding experts. When I explained what I wanted, her first comment was that there was disconnect between brand Biashara 360 and Life Coaching.

This time, I was ready to act and that is what I did in Q2 this year: reducing my work as a Business Coach and increasing work as a Transformational Life Coach.

Fast-forward to today…

The shift includes making the following moves:

  1. Moving blog posts in the following categories from the Biashara 360 blog to this one:
  2. Working on turning Biashara 360 into a membership site with e-courses for self-employed professionals, especially coaches in Africa.
  3. Setting up New Dawn Coaching which includes life coaching and Nawiri Mastermind. Nawiri is a community of women who want to walk together as they grow professionally or in their businesses.

It’s a new dawn, and a new beginning

All the things I have done as a Coach, have led me to Transformational Life Coaching because at heart that is what I excel in!

I look forward to hearing from you so feel free to Connect with me on LinkedIn and let me know about yourself, what you do, and what you have gained from this blog. I love hearing from my readers, so you can be sure that I will respond.

Last and definitely not least, I give thanks to God for bringing us all together and making it possible for us to connect across counties, countries, and continents over mtandao as we call the internet in Swahili.

With that, I welcome you to New Dawn Coaching and to my new blog. It is my hope that through the resources here, you will get unstuck, shed self-doubt & lack of fulfillment, and find Purpose, Control, & Joy.

All the best as you move forward to your own new beginning.

Caroline Gikonyo

P.S. If you would like my support in a more complete way, you can request for a complimentary Discovery Call to find out how Transformational Life Coaching can work for your ongoing growth and success.


Here are some ways I can help you if you feel stuck despite having high levels of success.

1. Sign up for The Clarity Blueprint which is a FREE 5-day email course

In this email course, I share the 5 biggest mistakes high-achieving women make while pursuing success. When you make these mistakes, you are likely to get stuck and lose confidence.

I also share some simple fixes you can use to get unstuck and find clarity even if you have already made one or more of these mistakes.

Click here to get access to The Clarity Blueprint.

2. Join my Community

The journey up the success ladder can be lonely. But you don’t have to go it alone. That is why I have set up Nawiri Community which is made up of high-achieving women who want community, support and accountability from like-minded women.

We have different activities that allow us to connect and grow together including:

  1. Monthly Learning Wednesday webinars where experts come to teach us personal, professional, and financial growth strategies.
  2. Monthly virtual meetups where members connect and share experiences as we implement what we’re learning in the monthly class.
  3. Quarterly half-day meetups in Nairobi for additional learning and connection.
  4. An annual 3-day retreat in November to learn, connect, evaluate, celebrate milestones, and plan for the next year.

Email me to get notified when Nawiri opens up for new members.

3. Sign up for the next Break Free, Live Your Life Coaching Program

Do you long for a life where your achievements are not just success stories but also reflections of your true passions? Are you eager to embrace a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and unwavering confidence?

If these traits describe your aspirations, then Break Free, Live Your Life is tailored precisely for women just like you.

This is a 5-month transformational life coaching program for successful women who feel stuck and unfulfilled.

It’s also for you if you’ve been wondering how to align with your Purpose and find greater meaning in life.

Through this transformative journey, you will:

  1. Get deep insights into your life’s purpose, values, and goals.
  2. Identify and align what matters most to you with your goals.
  3. Craft a clear, actionable plan that aligns your life and work with your newfound clarity.
  4. Start implementing your action plan within the program.
  5. Identify and work on beliefs and habits that work against your overall wellness and happiness.
  6. Get unstuck, gain confidence, and boldly move towards your next level.

You’ll also find support, guidance, and a community of like-minded women. This is an invaluable bonus as you work on your growth.

Break Free is also available on a 1-1 basis where the program is tailor-made for you. It’s a good option if you’re a leader because you learn how to coach your team instead of managing them.

Click here to book a Discovery Call to find out more about the Break Free program.

(Image credit: Unsplash)


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