Many people find it hard to embrace change. It’s much easier to resist than embrace it. In fact, you probably find that resisting change may come naturally to you.

It also seems counter intuitive to shake things up if you’re happy with the way things are now. You may also wonder why you should think about change when life is OK.

Life is not static, and the truth is that things will always change in some way. As you go through life, you will have great seasons, good ones, quiet ones, and some that stretch you in ways you hadn’t expected.

When you recognize the positive side of accepting change, you’ll be more confident about embracing it.

Here are 5 reasons why you should learn how to embrace change

1. You learn how to embrace the idea of unknown factors

Fear of the unknown is normal. But you can learn how to counter this fear by looking at the oncoming change as a new adventure or a growth point. This will help you view the unknown factors in a new light.

This attitude may not be easy to cultivate when you’re already in the transition. So start building your confidence now by learning how to adjust to the unknown.

It also helps if you acknowledge that you have no control over what is coming but you know that it will be a source of growth.

2. You gain amazing life and personal growth lessons

Your level of personal knowledge and growth increases when something changes in your life. You can use these lessons and growth to build an enriched and more fascinating life.

Life can become cluttered or boring and change will motivate and kick you out of such ruts. It can pull you through mundane periods and motivate you to become a better worker, parent, partner, or person.

I also believe that no step in your life journey is ever wasted. All seasons of life have lessons and gifts for you. But sometimes, you have to go through the murk first before you can see the gifts within a life season.

3. Your level of efficiency and productivity can increase

This generally happens in work and business. Although it may be difficult to predict when a change will be headed your way, it’s quite likely that changes bring more efficiency in getting work accomplished.

  • You and your team may find that you get twice the work done in half the time.
  • Challenges lead to new ways of thinking that may produce new strategies.
  • A challenge in business can lead to creation of a new product or revenue stream.

Try looking beyond the dust or waiting for the dust to settle. Get proactive in finding ways to weather this storm or come up with innovative ideas and strategies.

Personally, I’ve had the most amazing business growth come out of stretch seasons (that’s what I call tough times). Sometimes I’ve had to act fast without thinking too much. Other times I had to pivot and get things done earlier or faster than I had planned.

Change usually brings about success if utilized positively. No matter what the change is, ultimately, you’ll rise above and likely experience the success that changes so often bring. From a business perspective, I credit learning not to resist change to some aspects of my business growth.

4. A whole new world will open for you

It’s not always easy to recognize the beauty of the newness that surrounds you when you resist change and as the change unfolds. However, some of the most wonderful things happen when change occurs, even when the change is unwanted.

Looking back at your life, you can see, with hindsight, times when tough and unexpected changes led to something better. While you may not want to go through the pain of such change again, you cannot ignore the positive results that came out of it.

5. It’s an opportunity to build your confidence

Other people around you are likely to be as leery of change as you are. So why not let the transition build your confidence in a way that inspires the people around you?

The beginning of a transition can be tough and scary. But there comes a time when the dust has settled down enough and you can take a breath and look ahead. That is the point when you can look forward with positivity and recognize that you have whatever it takes to adjust to the change.

You also build grit and resilience as you experience more changes. This in turn builds your confidence in a way that’s useful when future changes loom.

For example:

These are some examples of how you can gain confidence or gain self-assurance when you don’t resist change. How many other examples do you have in your life?

Embrace change for better quality of life

There are no guarantees in life. Change is inevitable and it will come whether you like it or not. You can choose to fear it or you can embrace it to improve your life.

When you learn to embrace change along your life journey, you’ll strengthen your efforts to live a more grounded life where you weather the stormy seasons, enjoy the beautiful seasons, and rest in the quiet seasons.

(Image credit: Unsplash)


Want to learn how to embrace change and use it to build a better and more fulfilling life?

While we may not have control over how life pans out, it is possible to learn how to weather storms and changes.

You also don’t have to live in fear of a good season ending. You can develop strategies that build grit and resilience even if you’re currently in a good and positive season.

Click here to book a complimentary Discovery Call to find out how I can help you make it happen through the Break Free, Live Your Life coaching program.


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