As of today, we have 64 days left until the end of the year. That is slightly more than 2 months, but we know that the second half of December is generally not a time when we want to focus on our goals.

So, we basically have until the first week of December to make a push on what matters most to us this year!

Now, I am not saying this to create a sense of doom and gloom. It’s just a preamble to today’s topic.

Today, I want to say something that is simple but profound at the same time:

Don’t let fear determine your present and future.

If there is anything I am an expert on now, it’s fear. My own and that of almost everyone I meet, not just my clients.

The impact of fear has been on my mind over the last few weeks due to being interviewed in the Learning Wednesday series this month.

I didn’t prepare for the series and didn’t know the questions that would be asked.

That was very scary at first and unfortunately, there was no way out because we had already shared about the series. People were waiting for it and there was no backing out.

Then we did the first interview…and it was a blast! The second one was even better. The final one…I felt as if I had a lot more to say than I did! I could have gone on for another month if that was possible.

The feedback from the interviews has also been amazing, both in Nawiri (our WhatsApp community) and in my DMs on WhatsApp and LinkedIn.

These interviews have helped reduce fears I had for many years and raised my confidence.

Here are some of the results that have happened because of this:

  1. I’m posting on LinkedIn in a relaxed and casual manner that is more like me and not the person I was trying to be (LinkedIn scared me for years!)
  2. I’ve shared stuff that I previously didn’t want known…and I survived.
  3. I finally got the courage to set up my personal blog ( and committed to writing a blog post daily for 72 days. This was the number of days that remained in 2023 from the day I published the blog.
  4. I’m finally writing the book that I have been avoiding writing for many years.
  5. I boldly stepped up fully to Transformational Life Coaching and dropped Business Coaching. This was something I had avoided because it would mean an immediate loss of income since business coaching is easier to sell.
  6. I rolled out Clarity Coaching Program which is a simple but highly effective 6-week life coaching program.
  7. Moved GROW Membership to the next level by adding a monthly class and weekly Q&A session. I’ve also identified how to monetize GROW even better.

These and more happened because I did 4 things:

  1. Accepted that I was afraid.
  2. Identified and clearly saw the impact fear was having on my life and results.
  3. Decided that I was done with this fear.
  4. Started taking actions that move towards that fear instead of running away from it.

That’s just an example from my experience this month. So let me come back to you.

Which fears have you allowed to hold you hostage now and in the past?

What are you telling yourself about what you can be, do, and have (or not)?

What are the excuses you have given yourself over the years that have become deep-seated beliefs that now run your life?

Which fears are standing in the way of you working towards what you truly want?

What have you been telling yourself recently, within this month, about the goals and dreams that you have given up on this year?

You know, those thoughts like:

  • “It’s not possible to achieve something this year.”
  • “I can’t possibly go for that!”
  • “I’m too young or too old.”
  • “I’m not the right gender.”
  • “I don’t have the right education.”
  • “I don’t have the time and/or money right now.”
  • “What would people think of me or say about me?”
  • “I can’t afford to get help for this….”
  • And so forth.

The truth is that the things that you really want, you always ensure that you get them. It’s not even about money or time or lack of resources or education. It’s that you haven’t given what you want the priority it deserves.

Time will not wait for you

Time will go by anyway. You can stay the same and this time next year, you will look back and clearly see how you held yourself back.

Alternatively, you can take action starting today. Overcome your fear(s), take action daily, and this time next year, you will have something different to say.

If you’re afraid of failing, that’s a reality you have to accept because there are no promises that taking action will lead to success.

Sometimes you will do everything right and still fail. But in that failure will be results. You will have:

  • Learned something.
  • Identified whether to continue or not.
  • Moved a step or more ahead. You can build on the results you’re getting to move your goal to the next level.

The choice is yours and as I said, time will not wait for you.

You also need to remember that the past is gone, and there are no do-overs in life.

Additionally, the future is yet to come, and we don’t know how it will turn out.

What we do know is that the decisions we make now and the actions we take today have a big role to play in how our tomorrows turn out.

Over to You…

Fear stands in the way of the achievement of your goals and this impacts your future.

Now, what you do after reading this post is up to you. I do hope that you will take a step of faith and walk through your fears.

Remember: Don’t let fear determine your life today and in the future.

I’d also love to hear from you.

  • What fears are holding you back from going for your goals?
  • What are you going to do differently, starting from today?
  • How have you overcome fears in the past and what can you learn from those experiences?

Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the Comments below.

And, if you need further support, read on to find out how my team and I can help you.

(Image credit: Unsplash


Here are some ways I can help you boost your goals

1. Attend the FREE Learning Wednesday webinars

As a leader, you need to keep abreast of new information and strategies. However, this is normally tough to do given all the tasks you have each day and all the roles you hold in life.

Learning Wednesday is a space where you connect with experts in real time. We carefully curate the guest experts we bring to teach in these weekly webinars to ensure that they are credible and that they give updated information.

Learning Wednesday also brings women together. You connect with people you may not have had a chance to meet in your day-to-day life, share experiences, and learn together.

Click here to find out more and get the access link for the month.

2. Join GROW Membership and get access to monthly personal growth classes

GROW is our low-cost membership where you get access to recordings of our Learning Wednesday webinars and also connect with other members.

Additionally, starting this month, GROW members will also have access to:

  • A personal growth lesson (1 hour).
  • Weekly LIVE Q&A calls where members discuss their experiences and results as they implement the lesson for that month.
  • Laser coaching for a couple of people during the weekly Q&A calls.

We kick off on Thursday 2nd November 2023 with a class titled A 7-Step Process You Can Use to Rise Up After You’ve Failed.

Click here to join GROW.

3. Sign up for the Clarity Coaching Program

Do you long for a life where your achievements are not just success stories but also reflections of your true passions? Are you eager to embrace a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and unwavering confidence?

If these traits describe your aspirations, the Clarity Coaching Program is tailored precisely for women just like you.

This is a transformational life coaching program for women who are already successful but are feeling stuck and unfulfilled despite being successful.

It’s also for you if you’ve been wondering how you can align your Purpose with what you do, and find greater meaning in life.

Through this 6-week transformative journey, you will:

  1. Get deep insights into your life’s purpose, values, and goals..
  2. Craft a clear, actionable plan that aligns your life and work with your newfound clarity..
  3. Start implementing your action plan within the program.

You’ll also find support, guidance, and a community of like-minded women, which is an invaluable bonus from being in such a space.

Click here to find out more about the Clarity Coaching Program

4. Work with me 1-1

This is ideal for you if you want a private coaching experience that is tailor-made for you. It’s the best option if you’re in a leadership position as you get to learn how to lead your team by coaching instead of managing them.

Click here to book a Discovery Call to find out whether this is a good fit for you.

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