In the previous article, I shared an experience that led to a decision not to allow my fears to stand in the way of someone else’s courage.

Today, I want to turn things around and look at some ways in which our fears prevent us from having better quality of life.

After coaching for some years, I realized that the first thing I needed to help my clients address is fear. So now, all my coaching programs start with one question: What are your main fears?

During this session, we dig deep and examine these fears. It doesn’t matter what the person is working on, we address fears first before setting goals.

Why? Because…

Everyone has fears that hold them back from having better quality of life.

Even the most successful and confident people have fears. The higher you scale up the success ladder, the more intense your fears can be because you feel that you have to show up strong all the time.

These fears touch on work and personal aspects, such as the following.

Balancing work and relationships

You feel like like you’re not a good enough partner because work consumes your time, and you don’t know how to change that.

Family life

Missing out on time with family and fearing being alone with your children because you don’t know how to connect with them. You also don’t like the fact that your children are brought up by nannies and DMs. You know time is running out because you are losing touch and one day it will be too late.

Maintaining success

Getting here was not a smooth ride! What if you can’t replicate your success streak at this level? What if you stay stuck here and people overtake you?

Lack of authenticity

You worry about the mask cracking and people getting to know the real you…the person behind the professional mask. You don’t think they’d like you much without your titles, accomplishments, money, lifestyle, and all that accompanies the mask.

Personal goals

You’re busy and don’t have time to work on dreams and goals that matter to you. Additionally, some of your dreams are far removed from the person you are today.

You’re afraid that time is running out or has run out for some dreams. You’re also afraid that people will ridicule you when you declare such goals and dreams.

Financial dependence

You feel stuck in the ‘same old, same old’ routines that are killing your joy and motivation just because you need to make money.

You may no longer like your job or workplace, but searching for a new job or changing careers seems hard and scary. So it’s better to remain in the space that feels safe even though it’s sucking the life out of you.

Lack of identify beyond work

You’re afraid to take extended time off because work has become your identity and life. You don’t know what to do when you’re not working and feel that you can’t exist without it. You want to change this, but you don’t know how to.

Don’t let fears hold you hostage!

The list is endless. Unfortunately, these fears can keep you awake at night, holding you hostage and preventing you from trying anything that may rock the boat.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

While it’s essential to grow and succeed in your career or business, it’s equally important to have a balanced life where your personal life, dreams, and goals are nurtured and prioritized.

If you don’t take this step, then a time will come when you will be full of regrets. That’s why it’s better to work on your fears now so that you create time and space for what matters most to you.

Action Step

Here’s a simple process that will help you start overcoming your fears so that you have better quality of life.

  1. List down your fears.
  2. Pick one fear and identify one small step you can take to address it.
  3. Work on this fear daily until it’s no longer a challenge.
  4. Then go back to your list, pick another fear, and repeat the process.

Over time, you will find that some of the fears in your list have been eliminated as you work on others!

I’d also love to hear from you…

Many people don’t like talking about fears because they think that it will make them seem weak. However, we need to demystify fear. And sometimes, laying it out makes the fear seem less strong, which in turn reduces its power over you.

Let’s have a conversation in the Comments:

  • What fears are holding you back?
  • What are you going to do about them?

And if you have a process or strategy that has helped you overcome fears that were once holding you hostage, please share it too.

It’s time to overcome your fears and improve your quality of life!

Are you ready to overcome your fears and achieve professional success while living a more balanced and fulfilling life? Click here to book a complimentary Discovery Call to find out how I can help you make it happen through the Break Free, Live Your Life coaching program.

(Image credit: Pexels)


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