Do you feel as though you’re in a rut and nothing feels engaging or entertaining? Has your self-esteem taken a blow and you’re finding it hard to recover?

When you want to make sure you’re still in the right direction and you don’t want to settle for a mundane life, you’ll discover that you need to start challenging yourself.

When you take on a challenge head first, you’re forcing yourself to grow. If your self-esteem needs a boost, overcoming challenges deliberately will help you see yourself in a new light.

3 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem By Overcoming Challenges

1. Pick a challenge to pursue

No matter what type of challenge you undertake, don’t assume you’re going to get started on it “sometime soon.” Instead, think about what steps you need to take to get there today. Whether it involves making some phone calls or getting some certifications, make some time to get started as soon as possible.

  • If you have the desire to start a new career, call a career coach for guidance or visit a local university. You can also check online colleges.
  • If you challenge yourself to achieve better health, call a nutritionist or the local gym for rates and advice.
  • If you always wanted to learn how to play a musical instrument, find an instructor and inquire about lessons or visit the music store to find out how much the instrument costs.
  • If you’ve wanted to…(add your own dream and what you’ll do to get started today).
  • And if you want to get unstuck and create more happiness and fulfilment in your life, sign up for the Break Free, Live Your Life program.

Don’t delay when something is this important. Remember that moving slowly is much better than not moving at all. When you want to make sure you’re achieving the results that you deserve, you’ll discover that choosing to move is a big step on its own.

2. Practice setting goals and holding yourself accountable

Another way you can start overcoming challenges is by setting achievable goals. For instance, say you want to improve your writing skills. Then set yourself a goal to write at least a paragraph a day. It’s a simple, realistic goal that will help you improve your skills.

It’s very likely that you will become more productive when you have a limited amount of time to accomplish your simple challenge. So if you only have 15 minutes to concentrate on your challenge, then make the best use of it. Simply focus your energy on making it the most productive 15 minutes of your day.

3. Keep track of your progress regularly

In order to build your self-esteem, you regularly need to see how far you’ve come. Make sure you measure your progress on a regular basis. For example, you can:

  • Keep a diary that lists all you’ve accomplished in the day.
  • Keep a list of all books you read last month.
  • Track how many kilos you’ve lost in a weight journal.

Looking at past progress is a great way to replicate your success, so keep note of how far you’ve come. Over time, you’ll find that this is a great way to keep yourself moving forward. You’ll also feel much better with each small achievement made.

The Power of Numbers

If you’re struggling to challenge yourself, remember that you can get someone else to work with you.

Do you have any goals that you and your loved ones share? If so, take some time and see if you can encourage each other. This encouragement will help to build your self-esteem because you’ll see progress toward your goal.

Constant self-improvement and overcoming challenges will help increase your self-esteem. In doing so, you’ll also see just how capable and competent you really are!

(Image Credit: Unsplash)


break free

Frustrations? Struggles? Tension? Feeling Stuck?

Do such words describe your life? Sign up for the Break Free coaching program and overcome these challenges. This 12-week program is hands down the best personal development program for professional and business women.

Break Free is designed to help successful women improve their lives as they pursue their professional and business goals. Alumni of the program include college students, consultants, business owners, managers, senior executives in local and international organizations, and CEOs.

Enrol in this step-by-step system to:

  • Learn how to eliminate self-sabotage.
  • Get unstuck.
  • Become more confident.
  • Work on your most desired goals while reducing overwhelm and stress.
  • Set and maintain strong personal and professional boundaries.
  • Learn exactly how to behave and communicate with other people every day.
  • Revive the joyful and energized person you once were.
  • Heal your life and be happier and more fulfilled.
  • …and much more.

Get rid of emotional and physical baggage. Overcome your obstacles. Re-ignite fun and respect in your life…starting right now! Discover…Break Free: Get Unstuck and Start Living Your Dream Life.

Click here to find out when the next group opens up.

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