It’s been a tough time in Kenya as we’re going through a revolution that caught everyone by surprise.

The Gen Z demonstrations that have rocked the nation, have also ushered in a new era. It’s an era that we cannot escape. We are in it tupende tusipende as we say in Swahili (Whether we like it or not).

As the mother of 2 Gen Z, I was very scared when my first born told me that he wanted to go for the demonstrations. I said an emphatic NO!!! the first time.

But after reflection and a long discussion with him, I realized that I was standing in the way of his courage. So I reluctantly said Yes the next time. And I spent the day scared, stressed, and worried, as his brother and I waited for him to come home.

I cannot describe the relief I felt when he came home…and he did so earlier than I expected.

I hugged and hugged and hugged him. And I gave him and his brother more hugs in the following days, and also told them to expect me to hug them some more until my heart was at peace again.

Then, the next week, my nephews chose to attend the demos…and it was back to being scared, worried, and stressed until they went home.

That has been my state of mind since the demonstrations started, and especially now that they have turned violent.

It breaks my heart every time I hear about youths being injured and killed. There has been a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering just because this brave young generation has chosen to do something we, the older ones have been unable to do for decades!

All this is happening as I work and provide support for women in leadership. I was also wrapping up the planning for the Nawiri Meetup that was to take place on the 29th of June 2024.

Unfortunately, the Meetup had to be cancelled due to the unrest that has accompanied the demonstrations. But, I thank God for the internet as I was able to host a Goal Setting Webinar on the same day.

I’m keeping an eye on the events that unfold and hope to host the physical meetup later this month or early August.

Additionally, in the anxiety and stress, I actually forgot to send out the newsletter last week and didn’t even realize it. It wasn’t until I sat down to create this newsletter that I discovered the mistake. So I apologize for the oversight.

So that sets the tone for today’s topic.

For today, I want to share a practice that has helped me maintain calm and be able to have some semblance of work despite the challenges being experienced.

Silence Speaks

The first hour of my day is a sacred time devoted to meditation, visualization, and silence. This daily practice fosters inner calm and peace, setting a positive tone for the day.

Recently, I have been exploring guided meditations by Tara Brach, particularly her Reconnecting to Silence and Presence meditation. In this meditation, she also shares a poem by Gunilla Norris titled Sharing Silence. This poem resonates deeply with the season we are experiencing here in Kenya.

Here is the poem…

“Within each of us there is a silence
—a silence as vast as a universe.
We are afraid of it…and we long for it.

When we experience that silence, we remember
who we are: creatures of the stars, created
from the cooling of this planet, created
from dust and gas, created
from the elements, created
from time and space…created
from silence.

In our present culture,
silence is something like an endangered species…
an endangered fundamental.

The experience of silence is now so rare
that we must cultivate it and treasure it.
This is especially true for shared silence.

Sharing silence is, in fact, a political act.
When we can stand aside from the usual and
perceive the fundamental, change begins to happen.
Our lives align with deeper values
and the lives of others are touched and influenced.

Silence brings us back to basics, to our senses,
to our selves. It locates us. Without that return
we can go so far away from our true natures
that we end up, quite literally, beside ourselves.
We live blindly and act thoughtlessly.

We endanger the delicate balance which sustains
our lives, our communities, and our planet.
Each of us can make a difference.

Politicians and visionaries will not return us
to the sacredness of life.
That will be done by ordinary men and women
who together or alone can say,
“Remember to breathe, remember to feel,
remember to care,
let us do this for our children and ourselves
and our children’s children.
Let us practice for life’s sake.”

Source: Gunilla Norris, “Sharing Silence.”

Going beyond morning silence

For me, the habit of silence goes beyond the morning practice. I also take 2-5 minute breaks during the day (roughly every 3 hours) to pause, close my eyes, and sit still in silence.

These pauses give me a chance to breathe deeply, something that we don’t do well when sitting and working all day long.

They also allow me to reconnect with me and with God during the day. That helps me get out of my head and into a space that is more peaceful and calm, no matter what is going on around me.

Then at the end of the day, I go to sleep in silence as I mentally list what I am grateful for that day. This helps me sleep peacefully and I wake up listing what I am grateful for on the new day.

Make these practices your normal habits

Meditation, silence, and never-ending gratitude are not just personal habits; they are essential for effective leadership.

By consistently engaging in these practices, you cultivate inner peace, which enhances your decision-making abilities and overall leadership effectiveness and efficiency.

However, many leaders feel they lack the time or ability to integrate such practices into their busy schedules. Yet, the benefits are profound and transformative.

Find a way to make these 3 habits your norm.

  • You don’t have to do a full hour each morning plus 3 pauses a day as I do. Just start with whatever time you have and then stay consistent.
  • You can add a minute or 5 to your morning practice every week until you reach an hour each day. And by each day, I mean 7 days a week.
  • The pauses during the day are crucial and I recommend that you get started on them immediately. Set a timer at 9am, noon, and 3pm and then take a pause at these times if you can.
  • If you have meetings or can’t take a pause when your timer goes off, you can simply breathe in and out deeply and consciously 3-5 times. Then take a pause at the earliest moment after this.

As you read this, you can also start listing out what you are grateful for today.

  • Then set an alarm on your phone titled Gratitude List that’s at your bedtime.
  • List your gratitudes as you fall asleep and have another reminder in the morning to list them again when you wake up.
  • If an alarm is not your best choice, place a card with the words Gratitude List on your bedside table. This will ensure that you see it last thing at night and first thing in the morning as a reminder.

It takes time for these practices to become habits, and you will forget to do them more than you remember at the beginning.

Don’t beat yourself up. Just keep moving forward and use alarms, index cards, or other forms of reminders so that you have something to help you stay on track.

I’d also love to hear from you. So feel free to share your thoughts or experiences in the Comments below.

In the meantime, “Remember to breathe, remember to feel, remember to care, let us do this for our children and ourselves and our children’s children. Let us practice for life’s sake.”

And, if you need further support, read on to find out how my team and I can help you.


Are you a leader and you’d like to prioritize silence and personal growth?

If you are a leader or have a business with employees, it is my hope that by regularly practicing these habits, you will become a calmer, more effective leader.

Here are some ways I can help you get started.

1. Sign up for The Clarity Blueprint which is a FREE 5-day email course

In this email course, I share the 5 biggest mistakes high-achieving women make while pursuing success. When you make these mistakes, you are likely to get stuck and lose confidence.

I also share some simple fixes you can use to get unstuck and find clarity even if you have already made one or more of these mistakes.

Click here to get access to The Clarity Blueprint.

2. Join my Community

The journey up the success ladder can be lonely. But you don’t have to go it alone. That is why I have set up Nawiri Community which is made up of high-achieving women who want community, support and accountability from like-minded women.

We have different activities that allow us to connect and grow together including:

  1. Monthly Learning Wednesday webinars where experts come to teach us personal, professional, and financial growth strategies.
  2. Monthly virtual meetups where members connect and share experiences as we implement what we’re learning in the monthly class.
  3. Quarterly half-day meetups in Nairobi for additional learning and connection.
  4. An annual 3-day retreat in November to learn, connect, evaluate, celebrate milestones, and plan for the next year.

Email me to get more info when Nawiri Community opens for new members.

3. Sign up for the Break Free, Live Your Life Coaching Program

Do you long for a life where your achievements are not just success stories but also reflections of your true passions? Are you eager to embrace a future filled with purpose, fulfillment, and unwavering confidence?

If these traits describe your aspirations, then Break Free, Live Your Life is tailored precisely for women just like you.

This is a 5-month transformational life coaching program for successful women who who feel stuck and unfulfilled.

It’s also for you if you’ve been wondering how to align with your Purpose and find greater meaning in life.

Through this transformative journey, you will:

  1. Get deep insights into your life’s purpose, values, and goals.
  2. Identify and align what matters most to you with your goals.
  3. Craft a clear, actionable plan that aligns your life and work with your newfound clarity.
  4. Start implementing your action plan within the program.
  5. Identify and work on beliefs and habits that work against your overall wellness and happiness.
  6. Get unstuck, gain confidence, and boldly move towards your next level.

You’ll also find support, guidance, and a community of like-minded women. This is an invaluable bonus as you work on your growth.

Break Free is also available on a 1-1 basis where the program is tailor-made for you. It’s a good option if you’re a leader because you learn how to coach your team instead of managing them.

Click here to book a Discovery Call to find out more about the Break Free program.


(Image credit: Unsplash)


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