A Dream is Realized and Nawiri Community is Launched
Our Community launched on 2nd November 2024 at the Nawiri Meetup. This community brings women together to connect, learn, and get empowered.
Our Community launched on 2nd November 2024 at the Nawiri Meetup. This community brings women together to connect, learn, and get empowered.
Fear stands in the way of your goals and future. Don’t let it hold you back or determine your life today and in the future.
The year can rush by fast, leaving you struggling with your goals. This strategy will help you boost your goals so that you finish any quarter or year strong.
Try one or all of these 5 strategies when you need to change a goal or if you need to remove one and add a new one.
If you have achieved your most desired goals and dreams, have you taken time to pause and reflect before starting to scale the next mountain?
The second half of the year is a great time to evaluate, re-calibrate and restart on your goals so as to pull a big win this year.
Here are 7 goal achievement lessons I learnt from my then 12-year old son. He was focused and determined as he set out to get a smartphone.
Do you use affirmations to help improve your chances of success in life? Here's why affirmations work and how exactly to use them.