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Focus requires sacrifice. What will you sacrifice and what will you focus on so that you end the first quarter of the year strong?
Do you struggle with decluttering your home? Use these tips to control of your as you declutter your home successfully.
Having to come up with new goals each year can get tiring. Annual goal setting is much easier when you have a longer plan…
Reconnect with yourself in the 28 Days of Loving Yourself Challenge. Build lasting self-care and self-love habits any time of the year.
The trick to achieving big goals is to break them into small steps that you work on daily, weekly and monthly. Find out how…
Excellence is a big challenge in our society. People want to be paid well or have good positions, but they don’t want to work…
Everyone has secrets. You wouldn’t be human and not have a number of them. It could be current or something from your past.
Practicing self care means having to create time for yourself. This is not easy for a lot of women, especially if you're juggling work…
Most women don't practice self care, which involves creating time for activities for yourself and putting yourself first.
One of the blessings of being a coach is being able to help people identify and follow their dreams. And the opposite is also…
“Mum, my fear is bigger than me”, declared my 12-year old son. We were exploring why he’s suddenly acquired a fear of swimming, and the…
The New Year hype is over and we’re getting back to reality as the dust settles. How about doing things in a new way…
“The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too…
I contact my past clients at least twice a year despite them being on my mailing list and it never ceases to amaze me…
Have you ever had a discussion with a totally unlikely source that ended up challenging you to go for more? That’s what happened to me last…
In the last blog post, I shared a simple 5-step solution to setting and achieving your goals for 2016. One of the steps was to…
It's easy to get stuck, doubt yourself, and allow things like imposter syndrome to hold you back, even after achieving high levels of success. It doesn't have to be this way.
I'd love to share some simple strategies you can start using today in this 100% FREE 5-day email course.
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