Every Monday, I ask a reflection question to the women in Nawiri community. Last week’s question was, “What does success look like for you as we get closer to wrapping up this year?”

Three words immediately came to mind as I did my reflection of 2024: Freedom, Fulfillment, and Gratitude.

Focusing on feelings may sound familiar to those who have attended my Goal Setting class. In this class, we don’t just set goals; we also identify the emotions we want to feel when we achieve those goals. Then, we strive to experience those emotions throughout the year as we work on our goals.

That’s why it’s not a surprise that the definition of success in my reflection of 2024 is rooted in emotional well-being.

This year also marks the end of a life-changing decade for me. I’ve spent time reflecting on the past ten years:

  • Achievements.
  • Failures (some were epic).
  • Lessons learned.
  • Challenges encountered (including internal challenges such as self-sabotage, fears, and self-doubt).
  • Opportunities embraced and missed.
  • And insights about the way forward.

The process has been enlightening and grounding, and I’m grateful to have undertaken this reflection before the Christmas break.

Reflection of 2024: A Year of Challenges and Triumphs

This year has been challenging politically, economically, and emotionally for many of us in Kenya and around the world. For women, who often juggle numerous responsibilities, the festive season can feel like a sprint to the finish line.

It’s important to remember to give yourself grace and kindness during this time. So take some time to pause, reflect, and express gratitude, no matter how this year has been for you. Be grateful whether the year brought triumphs, challenges, or quiet moments of grit and resilience.

A quote that has anchored me over the years encapsulates this sentiment beautifully:

“Let’s rise and be thankful
for if we didn’t learn a lot
at least we learned a little.
And if we didn’t learn a little
at least we didn’t get sick.
And if we got sick
at least we didn’t die.
So let us all be thankful.”
(Attributed to the Buddha)

This year, I’ve experienced significant learning, enjoyed better health compared to last year, and navigated moments of grief, worry, and fear. Through it all, I’m deeply thankful for God’s grace and guidance.

Milestones and Moments of Growth

Businesswise, this has been a year of incredible and unexpected growth and transformation. Letting go of certain aspects of my life and work allowed me to focus on a few things and do them exceptionally well. While letting go is never easy, it has been immensely rewarding.

As a result, I hosted the inaugural Nawiri Meetup, established Nawiri Mastermind, worked with more women in the C-Suite, facilitated the Women in Digital Business (WIDB) program, and onboarded participants for a 1-year business mastermind.

These milestones would not have been possible without the support of my family, friends, team, clients, community, and readers. You all are at the heart of everything I do, and I am grateful for that too.

Looking ahead to 2025, my focus will be on empowering more women in leadership to achieve their goals without creating unnecessary overwhelm and burnout, and on growing Nawiri Mastermind.

I will also shift my approach to working with entrepreneurs as I will no longer provide 1-1 business coaching. Instead, I’ll offer support primarily through masterminds, e-courses, and the annual 12 Weeks to Startup group coaching program.

You can get updates about these programs and offers by signing up for my weekly email newsletter.

A Time to Reflect, Rest and Recharge

There is time to complete your own reflection of 2024, especially during the quieter days after Christmas and before New Year.

And as we close the year, I invite you to give yourself permission to slow down, rest, and cherish the things that truly matter: peace of mind, self-care, health, family, friends, and the love and connections that sustain us.

Let’s take time over the last few days of the year to unwind and simply be, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.

As we step into the festive season, my wish for you is to find moments of peace amidst the busyness.

  • Celebrate your achievements.
  • Embrace the lessons learned.
  • Find joy in the little things.
  • And be thankful for everything, no matter how the year has unfolded for you.

Enjoy your holiday!

Thank you for being part of my community and journey. I wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with light, love, and renewal.

Here’s to a blessed and prosperous 2025!

(Image credit: Pexels)


When you’re ready, here are some ways I can help you grow

➡️ Clarity SessionThis is perfect if you only want clarity, direction, and a solid plan for the year. It’s ideal if you already have goals just want to map out your next steps & create an agile plan.

➡️ Strategy Session Pack: This is discounted pack of 5 coaching sessions that are spread over 2 months. This is perfect if you’re unsure where to start or you want a deeper dive into your goals. We will brainstorm your vision for the next 3 years, create an agile 3-year plan, and map out a strategy for achieving your top 3 goals for the first 12 months of your plan. This plan is agile enough to withstand economic and political uncertainties.

➡️ 12 Weeks to Startup coaching program: Every year, I handhold 12 women and help them set up part-time businesses that monetize their expertise. The program runs from May to July/August. Click here to find out more about the next cohort.

➡️ Elevate Mastermind: Self-employed professionals struggle to have consistent income. This mastermind is for you if you want to create semi-passive income through e-courses. It runs for 1 year and you get to create, test, market, sell, and scale at least one e-course per year. Click here to find out more about Elevate.

➡️ Break Free, Live Your Life: This 4-month program is designed to empower high-achieving women to transition to their next level in career or business without compromising their values and priorities. It comprises four major themes: Clarity, Confidence, Courage, and Control. Each module includes in-depth content, practical exercises, and assignments for application and growth. Click here to find out more about Break Free.

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